
2019 – Album 14M


Backstage movie with some funny scenes, but also some scenes taken from the final movie!

CUSTOM MOVIE! This means that a customer asked us to do this movie, following his requests!
Here’s the words of the customer:
Whoa! Whoa!
The movie is just perfect!!!
I love all the elimination scenes! They’re great!!! And the actresses are beautiful and superb in every scene! Everything is really great!!
Thank you very much! You did a great job!


The TLOT Corporation hasn’t produced any good clones, yet.
But this time they have a special request for the killer that usually handles their experiments…

The killer: Hello?
TLOT Corporation CEO: Hi, it’s the TLOT Corporation CEO.
The killer: Oh great to hear you, do you have some more clones to be slaughtered?
TLOT Corporation CEO: Actually yes, but this time we have a special request.
The killer: And this special request is?
TLOT Corporation CEO: You have to attack them without weapons.
The killer: What? Without weapons? Why the hell would I do that?
TLOT Corporation CEO: Because we’ll pay you double the usual price.
The killer: And I might like that… but let me ask you a question… since these tests are designed to see if your clones function properly, don’t you think an attacker would use weapons?
TLOT Corporation CEO: Yeah… but this time we want to see if they can win against an unarmed attacker. So shut the fuck up, take my money and get to that fucking mansion right now!

The killer will take down three different sexy clones dressed in bikini, with only neck breaks and sleeperholds, for a total of nine death scenes with a lot of body camera takes!

Movie elements: neck snapping and sleeperholds

Clothing description: bikini, gloves, high heel shoes

Running time: 21.23 minutes
Release date: August 2019

Click -HERE- to get the FREE backstage movie!
